About Fraktalas

Michelle Keller has been supporting sustainability

since 2001, collaborating with supermarket chains, educational campuses, and small businesses in ten states through her work as founding partner and then principal with R&M Engineering, LLC.   Contracts with efficiency utilities and recent work with the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council provided further insight into the perspectives of these program sponsors and the goals of state regulatory agencies.   She combines her direct experience as a Chemical Engineer in the commercial and industrial (C&I) sector with a deep understanding of the evolving state and federal programs - and a network of expert colleagues - to support  C&I customers and to work with the electric and natural gas utilities that serve them.

Michelle specializes in understanding how to leverage relationships to bring state and utility efforts together with engaged customers to foster real progress toward the ambitious efficiency, resource demand management, equity, and carbon reduction goals that drive current efforts in this field.

When not advocating for optimal coordination between customers and utility efficiency programs, Michelle is either preparing for her next musical gig or out on the Vermont mountain ridges, continuing her goal to hike the entire Long Trail by sections.